Not everyone can afford those high gym fees and still that should not preclude them from getting the benefits of a full body workout. It is possible to get a full body workout at home using only the items found in almost any household. The venerable Jack La Lane has been doing it for years. Trying to teach us how to use what we have to get our bodies into shape.The body itself is one of the tools you will be using in this full body workout routine. Stay at home moms and others will enjoy being able to get a jumpstart on losing weight, tightening and toning the body. After just a few weeks you will marvel at just how well this program works.
You will need:A large towel
2 small towels
Thick books
3/1gallon milk jugsThese are the only workout equipment’s you will need along with your own body.
Step 1For the legs you will do squats. Retrieve one of the jugs. Standing with feet shoulder width apart and holding the jug close to the chest now slowly lower your body to the squat position. At the same time you are slowly forcing the jug out in front of you by extending your arms. This is done in three sets of twelve and a minute between each set for rest.Step 2Fill the jugs with water. Only fill one half way and the other two to the top. The full jugs will weigh about 8 pounds and the half jug is your four-pound weight. Make sure the books you choose are hard covers, thick and that the cover is not slippery.
Step 3You will need to warm up your muscles with a series of stretches and you can also do what is known as a runner or burpee. This exercise is done from a standing position, now bend over from the waist and touch the floor. Kick your legs behind you so that you are in the flank position. It should look like you are beginning a push-up. Now quickly bring one foot up and alternate. This looks like you are running in place. Do ten repetitions.Return to the standing position. Put you hands to your waist then raise them over head, looking pretty much like you are signaling a good goal. Repeat this whole routine 5 times, this is considered your first set. You will do three sets with a one minute rest between sets.
Step 4This is where you do the body work get into the Push up position. Go through the following series of movements, push up, crabwalk to the left and back to the right. Pushup again and go into downward facing dog yoga position. Repeat this 6-8 times per set for 5 sets.
Step 5Take a full jug standing with legs split. You will now go into a lunge placing the jug on the outside hip. Next lunge to the opposite side bringing the jug around to rest on the other hip. Repeat motion for 12 reps, rest and begin again for a total of 3 sets of 12. You can also perform the lunges in a walking motion using a controlled motion to alternate the full jug form one side to the other.
Step 6For the final part of the routine you need a slippery surface. Using the large towel to thread into the handle on a full jug. Bring the jug up to rest on your upper back using the ends of the towel to hole it there. Both ends should be over a shoulder and held in front of you. Now using the small towel make a sort of skate for your self and alternating legs and pushing yourself around the room without lifting your feet from the towels.