To eat or not to eat. Are you thinking the same? Do not be sad! You are not alone. Weight watchers are always in a state of conflict, warring between what they want and what they must. Rather than despairing about what you cannot eat; think about the alternatives you have. A fat loss journey is a journey towards getting a fit and healthy body for a disease-free life. It provides room for trying out innovative dietary habits and playing with ingredients smartly. If you need some ideas, here are 9 foods that will never make you fat.

Food to Eat Without Guilt

  1. Eggs

Eggs are the most readily available food item. These are low in calories, and rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Besides, eggs can delay hunger for hours. Skip bagel and start your day with pouched, boiled, and an egg fried in one teaspoon of olive oil. Avoid adding milk and cheese to check the calorie count.

Oats are high in fiber and protein. These contain enough calories to replace a complete meal and to keep hunger away. Sprinkle some ground nuts on the bowl to add crunchiness. If you do not like oats in the bowl, make smoothies or pancakes.

Plain Greek yogurt is an amazing food choice for its high nutritional profile. It offers sufficient calories and helps reduce hunger pangs. Also, it gives you a jolt of energy at midday. Use an unsweetened and low-fat version and top it up with a few blueberries.

The natural juicy treat contains a treasure of vitamins and minerals. The natural sugar in watermelon keeps you energetic and hydrated during a weight loss diet.

Soups are light and nutritious and excellent starters. Use a small piece of any meat or veggies of your choice. Taking soups before meals reduce your overindulgence in the meal. For better impact, consume soup with fewer condiments and without cornstarch. 

Salads are the most nutritious way for consuming raw veggies and fruits. Due to their high fiber content, salads promote weight loss and boost digestion. Make sure, you eat salads without heavy dressing. Tomatoes, onion, cucumber, bell peppers, cabbage, and spinach provide fiber, promote digestion, and enhance weight loss. 

Nuts and seeds are loaded with nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. These provide the healthiest calories and fats. 

Being fishy is good on your plate. Fish is always a part of healthy eating, especially for its heart-friendly profile. Heart health is a significant concern in obesity. Some varieties are low in calories while others offer a high number of calories. You can choose the diet for your caloric needs.

What do you get after eating one cup of strawberry? The answer is vitamin C, polyphenols (antioxidants), potassium, fiber, and about 50 calories. 


Snack time is perhaps the most challenging time for weight watchers. Plan your food before getting overwhelmed by a snacking urge. It may help you enjoy guilt-free snacking. Luckily, certain foods can help you fall into the trap of unhealthy binge eating. Choose the above foods which are low in sugar, calorie, and fat and keep you satiated for longer.